PREVENT Covid, Aviary, H5 and Other Viruses

Yes, you CAN prevent Covid and other potentially dangerous viruses. We never got Covid or a virus in over five years following these under -the-radar tips: Everyone knows about D3 and zinc but are you protecting your nasal and oral channels where the viruses first...

Spine, Posture and Stretching

MediEats plan week 14 – follow upI hope this email finds you feeling motivated and enthusiastic about your journey towards a healthier lifestyle through our Mediterranean diet and habits program. Last time, we explored the importance of practicing good posture...


Health Foods to lose weigbtavocados, wants, hotbpeppers,Cinnamon, blueberries, quinoa,Nuts, eggs, coconut oil,Watermelon , pomegranate, raspberries, swt potatoes, dark chocolate, salmon, brushless sprouts, oats, lentils, apples, Kale, chili peppers, cia or flax seed,...

Detoxing Simplified

From Healthline Wellness Wire        Presented by    IN A NUTSHELL Add “detox” to the cloud of buzzwords floating around the wellness world. It seems like a fancy new way to cleanse our bodies pops up daily, at least on my...