To Devoted Christians Everywhere: Please Watch The Urgent Message Below Now, Before It Gets Banned By The Extreme Socialist Left The Old Testament “Error” That Caused Life Expectancies To Drop By 375%… And How You Can Quickly Fix This Error To Add An...
I hope this finds you safe and well. During this challenging time most of us are looking for ways to maintain optimal health and prevent getting sick from the Corona virus. You can wait for a year or more for a vaccine to be developed or try to make your immune...
Reprinted. by Jacob Siegal@JacobSiegalMay 22nd, 2020 at 1:17 PM The CDC recently updated information pertaining to coronavirus symptoms on its Pandemic Planning Scenarios page.According to the CDC’s current best estimate, 35% of all coronavirus infections will be...
MOST IMPORTANT IMMUNITY SUPPORT with Advanced herbal extracts including Beta-glucans and Arabinogalactan and Antioxidant support with Quercetin, Green Tea and Vitamins C & E The immune system is hugely complicated. It fights off an unbelievable number of offensive...
The Beatles are Back with their first hit in how many years… over 1 million views on Youtube 1.) Pandemic Survival Guide- Coronavirus Special Report from Military View Post Pandemic Survival – Coronavirus Special Report from Military 2.) Kids of all Ages...