2014   WATERPROOF I-PHONE COVER   $12  for a no-leak, waterproof defender case for iPhone 4/4S and 5/5S        Offer expires: 11:59 PM – Jan 28, 2014Save 83% on a waterproof iPhone case Universal case fits generations 4, 4S, 5 and 5S    Choose from...

Anti-Cancer Magic Mineral Broth (Rebecca Katz)

Anti-Cancer Magic Mineral Broth (Rebecca Katz) reprinted from http://rebeccakatz.com/recipes/magic-mineral-broth/ This is my Rosetta stone of soup, a broth that can be transformed to meet a myriad nutritional needs, serving as everything from a delicious sipping tea...

Maple Cinnamon Pumpkin Seeds recipe

Ingredients – 2 cups raw pumpkin seeds, freshly scooped – 2 tbsp. maple syrup – Cinnamon to coat – 1/2 tsp. salt Directions: 1. Wash the pumpkin seeds. Make sure you get all of the pumpkin goo off and pat dry thoroughly. 2. Place the seeds in a...